Past Simple - Regular Verbs


We add "ed" to most of the verbs.
  work image worked  
  cook image cooked  

If the verb ends with an e, we add only "d" to it.
  bake image baked  
  replace image replaced  

If the verb ends with consonant + y, we drop the "y" and add "ied" to it. (consonant = all letters but a, e, i, o, u)
  cry image cried  
  terrify image terrified  

If the verb ends with vowel + y, we add only "ed" to it.
(vowel = a, e, i, o, u)
  play image played  
  obey image obeyed  

If the verb has only one syllable and it ends with:
consonant + vowel + consonant,
and the last consonant is not w, x, y
we double the last consonant and add "ed" to it.
drop image dropped
skip image skipped